Home Recipes Dolci Panna Cotta with red fruit coulis

Panna Cotta with red fruit coulis

Panna Cotta with red fruit coulis

Panna Cotta with Red Fruit Coulis

Prepare time: 30 min
Cook: 30 min
Ready in: 30min + 5 hours setting
Setting time: 5 hours
Servings: 4/6

Panna cotta is an old-time Italian favourite. Panna means cream in Italian, so the translation literally means cooked cream. To make the dessert a little less heavy it’s common to use a mix of cream and milk. For the topping, you can make variations and even without any topping, just the Panna Cotta by itself is delicious.

For the panna cotta

  • 250 grams heavy cream
  • 250 grams milk
  • 6 grams gelatine sheets (soaked in water)
  • 80 grams of sugar
  • Seeds of one vanilla bean or 2 tsp of vanilla aroma

For the red fruit coulis

  • 200 grams of frozen red fruits (strawberries/raspberries/blueberries)
  • 40 grams of sugar
  • Zest of one lemon
  • Zest of one orange
  • 30 grams fresh raspberries for on top


  • 40 grams chopped white chocolate

Take a pot and bring on low heat with the frozen fruits, sugar, lemon and orange zest. Leave simmer for 20 minutes. Stir sometimes in between.
Then take the gelatine sheets and soak them in water until soft. Meanwhile take another pot, add the sugar and the vanilla, stir and leave on the heat until almost boiling. When it almost reached the boiling point, take the pot of the heat.
Now take the gelatine and drain very well, by squeezing it with your hands. Then use a whisk to mix the gelatine into the cooked heavy cream. Leave on the side.

Then take the pot with red fruits from the heat and blend it with a mixer until fine. Take another bowl and a strainer and sieve the sauce, until you have a smooth coulis. Leave on the side for serving. Now use little jars, cups or molds to poor in the panna cotta mixture. Leave it cool down outside the fridge until room temperature. Then put the jars into the fridge, for about 5 hours to set.

Take the panna cotta’s from the fridge. Then take the coulis, and with a spoon or squeezable sauce bottle, poor some coulis over the panna cotta’s. Finish with fresh raspberries and if you like some white chocolate nibs .

Buon appetito!


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