Home Recipes Italia Pollo alla Cacciatora in bianco

Pollo alla Cacciatora in bianco

Pollo alla Cacciatora in bianco

Pollo alla Cacciatora in bianco

Prepare time: 15 min
Cook: 1,5/ 2 hours
Ready in: 2 hours and 15 min
Servings: 4 people


  • 4 chicken legs around 300/350 grams each
  • Salt
  • Olive oil
  • 2 anchovies
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 3 stems of fresh rosemary
  • 1 stem of fresh sage
  • One glass of white wine
  • One glass of vinegar
  • Handful of Olive Taggiasche
  • Knob of butter

Take the chicken legs and wash them in a bowl with floating water. Then dry them a bit with a kitchen towel or strong kitchen paper. Cover them with some salt. Then put a wide pan on medium heat, add a drizzle of olive oil and add the chicken legs. Brown them on both sides, this will take around 7/8 minutes. When both sidesĀ  are browned take the chicken out of the pan. Then in the same pan add garlic, rosemary, sage and anchovies. After a few minutes add the chicken again, the white wine and the vinegar, let it evaporate a bit for about 5 minutes. Then add the olives and cover the pan with a lid on top. Leave simmering for 1,5/ 2 hours until the chicken meat is very soft and almost falling of it’s bones. Now add a knob of butter, to make the sauce more creamy.

This pollo alla cacciatora in bianco recipe is great with some vegetables and potatoes on the side. Or you can even decide to cook some small potatoes inside the sauce, in this way the starch of the potatoes will thicken the sauce and will make it even more creamy.

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