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Pollo alla cacciatora (rosso)

Pollo alla Cacciatora Rosso

Prepare time: 15 min
Marinate: 2 hours / preferably over-night
Cook: 1,5/ 2 hours
Ready in: 3 hours minimum
Servings: 4 people

Pollo alla Cacciatora Rosso 

for the marinade

ingredients for the sauce

How to marinate the chicken
Start by washing the chicken under cold water, then dry a bit. In a big bowl add the red wine, chicken thighs, garlic (chopped or whole cloves), bay leaves, salt, pepper, rosemary and oregano. Leave marinate for at least two hours or if you have more time even  overnight.

In between
When the chicken has been marinated for at least two hours make them a bit dry with a kitchen towel or some paper. Then heat up a pan on high flame. Dip the pieces of chicken in some flour and pan-fry until nicely bronzed. Then leave all the chicken on the side and start with a clean pan for your sauce.

For the sauce
Bring a pan on on medium heat, add olive oil, the onion, red pepper, olives, the herbs and in the end the garlic. When the oil is aromatized, more or less after 5 minutes, start adding your tomatoes. Leave them simmer without the lid, to evaporate the liquid and to reduce acidity from the tomatoes. After add salt and pepper. Then add the rest of the left over marinade and the chicken. Leave this under a lid for at least 1,5/2 hours.

This pollo alla cacciatora is great to serve with some oven roasted potatoes and some vegetables. Check my Broccolo Romano ripassato recipe for example, that will go great with this recipe. Don’t forget some bread on the side to dip into the left over sauce
“la scarpetta” it’s called in Italian, the best thing there is, if you ask me.

Buon Appetito!

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