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Flatbreads with Tzatziki

Homemade Flatbreads with Tzatziki

Prepare time: 30 min
Cook: 15 min
Ready in: 2 hours

For the homemade flatbreads (around 8)

*Extra essentials

For the Tzatziki


Flatbread dough
Let’s start with the dough. In a big bowl add the flour, salt and olive oil. Mix this with a spoon or fork. Then in a little bowl add the water, yeast and sugar. Mix this, so the yeast can get activated. Then mix the yoghurt into the bowl with the flour, after mixing this add the yeast/water mixture. Now mix everything with your hands, until you can create a ball of dough. Then cover your hands with some flour, take the dough and start kneading it by stretching and folding the dough. After 5/8 minutes you will see the dough has become smooth and more elastic. Now cover it with some plastic foil or a wet towel and let the flatbread dough rise for 1 hour.

Meanwhile we start with the Tzatziki. Peel the cucumbers, then grate them with a grater with thick holes. Take a bowl and leave the grated cucumbers with a teaspoon of salt, so the liquid will release. Cover and leave for 5/6 minutes. After that take a kitchen towel or strong kitchen paper, put all the cucumbers inside and drain, by squeezing all the water out. Now take a bowl add the drained cucumbers, the yoghurt, ½ chopped garlic, vinegar, pepper and if you use it the fresh herbs as well. Mix everything and taste, if the flavours are balanced.

After 1 hour rising, you’ll see the dough has almost doubled his size. Now it’s time to make little balls (around 50/60 grams each). Take a knife, cut of a piece and weigh them if  you want to be precise. Then use the palm of your hand to make little balls, by rolling them on the surface of a kitchen table, with some flour underneath and on your hands. When you’ve finished the balls leave them on a tray with flour and cover them with some plastic foil, leave some space in between the dough balls and the foil, because they’ll rise again. Leave them for another 30 minutes.

Now cover the surface with some flour again, take a ball of dough, put some flour on top and start with your rolling pin in the middle, rolling up, then back to the middle and down. Repeat this a couple of times, then turn the dough and do the same thing, so the oval shape becomes a round circle and the dough has flatten out. Repeat this with all the balls.

Now take a wide pan and add a some vegetable oi,l then add a flatbread leave on medium heat for 2/3 minutes, then turn around, so both sides get nicely bronzed. Repeat this for all flatbreads.

This recipe is delicious in combination with the Greek salad. You can take a flatbread, cover it with some Tzatziki and Greek salad on top. But just as an appetizer dipping the flatbreads in the Tzatziki is also tasty of course.



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